
This website is Ryan Blog. I am interested in deep learning, computer vision, model compression, knowledge distillation etc. And I am currently a MS degree in dept. of software at the Korea National University of Transportation. If you have any questions, please contact me through the contact me menu or send me an email to my email address.


건물 재난 현장 3D 영상 객체인식 디지털지도 생성을 위한 스마트폰과 융합한 분산된 보급형 로봇 기반 인공지능 알고리즘 및 SW 개발연구(2020.06~2020.12)

Disaster sites, 3D Object detection, A.I, Digital map, Visual SLAM, Deep Learning, Low-cost robot, Smartphone

철도차량 이상상태 자동검지를 위한 스마트 유지보수 장치개발(2020.04~2020.12)

Railway, Abnormal event, Object detection, OpenCV

자율주행 차량을 위한 정밀디지털지도 자동생성 기반 알고리즘 개발연구(2018.11~2019.11)

Python, Object Detection, Tensorflow, LiDAR, HD Mapping

스마트시티 CCTV와 스마트폰이 융합한 위험암시 이상징후 탐지연구(2017.06~2020.02)

Vision, Activity, Dust, Audio, Pattern Recognition, Object Detection, Unusual Event Detection, Abnormal Event Detection



Intelligent System based on Deep Learning Algorithm for Vision, Activity and Dust Sensors(1st author)

KSII fall Conference (2020.10) *best paper award

doi: http://www.ksii.or.kr/

Intelligent Hybrid Fusion Algorithm with Vision Patterns for Generation of Precise Digital Road Maps in Self-driving Vehicles(1st author)

TIIS (2020.10) - SCIE

Intelligence, vision, deep learning, high precision digital map, self-driving vehicles

doi: https://doi.org/10.3837/tiis.2020.10.002

Deep Learning-Based User Emergency Event Detection Algorithms Fusing Vision, Audio, Activity and Dust Sensors(1st author)

JICS (2020.10)

Vision, audio, activity, dust, sensors, deep learning, abnormal event, patterns

doi: https://doi.org/10.7472/jksii.2020.21.5.109

Intelligent Railway Detection Algorithm Fusing Image Processing and Deep Learning for the Prevent of Unusual Events(1st author)

JICS (2020.08)

Rapid-transit railway, Railway, Deep learning, Fusion

doi: https://doi.org/10.7472/jksii.2020.21.4.109

Intelligent Abnormal-Event Detection System using Vision, Audio, Dust Sensors(1st author)

APIC-IST(Conference, Oral) (05~07.07.2020)

Abnormal event, Audio, Dust, Intelligent system, Vision

doi: http://apicist.org/2020/index.html

Real-time unusual user event detection algorithm fusing vision, audio, activity, and dust patterns(1st author)

MTAP (2020.06) - SCIE

Intelligence, Vision, Deel learning, Unusual event, Pattern recognition

doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-020-09149-1

Unusual Indoor Event Detection System using Vision, Audio, and Activity Sensors(1st author)

ICONI(Conference, Oral) (15~18.12.2019)

Activity, Audio, Deep learning, Emergency, Sensors, Vision

doi: http://www.iconi.org/portal/main.do

A Review of Intelligent Self-Driving Vehicle Software Research(2nd author)

TIIS (2019.11) - SCIE

Self-driving vehicle, Road infrastructure, Deep learning, Machine learning, Localization

doi: https://doi.org/10.3837/tiis.2019.11.002

Intelligent Pattern Recognition Algorithms based on Dust, Vision and Activity Sensors for User Unusual Event Detection(2nd author)

KSCI (2019.08)

Vision, Activity, Dust, Pattern Recognition, Artificial Intelligence

doi: https://doi.org/10.9708/jksci.2019.24.08.095

Intelligent Road Traffic Recognition for Precision Maps of Self-driving Cars(1st author)

APIC-IST(Conference, Poster) (23~26.06.2019)

Self-driving, Cars, Precision Maps, Road Traffic Recognition, Intelligent

doi: http://apicist.org/2019/index.html

Intelligent User Pattern Recognition based on Vision, Audio and Activity for Abnormal Event Detections of Single Households(1st author)

KSCI (2019.05)

Vision, Audio, Activity, Pattern Recognition

doi: https://doi.org/10.9708/jksci.2019.24.05.059

Localization of Mobile Users with the Improved Kalman Filter Algorithm using Smart Traffic Lights in Self-driving Environments(1st author)

KSCI (2019.05)

Self-driving, Localization, RSSI, Smart traffic lights, Kalman filter

doi: https://doi.org/10.9708/jksci.2019.24.05.067

Home Security System based on Intelligent Vision, Audio Pattern Algorithms(2nd author)

KISM(Conference, Oral) (26~27.04.2019) *best paper award

Intelligent, Vision, Audio, home security

doi: http://kism.jams.or.kr

Health Care System based on Intelligent vision, audio, activity pattern algorithms(2nd author)

KSII Spring Conference (04.2019)

doi: http://www.ksii.or.kr/

Intelligent Abnormal Event Detection Algorithm for Single Households at Home via Daily Audio and Vision Patterns(1st author)

JICS (2019.01)

Vision, Image Processing, Audio, Fusion, Pattern, Daily Behavior, Single Households

doi: https://doi.org/10.7472/jksii.2019.20.1.77

Health Care Related Noxious Gas Detection System(2nd author)

KSII fall Conference (2018.10)

doi: http://www.ksii.or.kr/

Unusual Event Detection Algorithm via Personalized Video and Voice Patterns for Preventing Solitary Death(1st author)

KSII Spring Conference (2018.04)

doi: http://www.ksii.or.kr/


Master's Degree(2019.09~2021.02)

Korea National University of Transportation

Department of Software

Undergraduate graduation(2013.03~2019.08)

Korea National University of Transportation

Department of Software


Osong, Cheongju-si
Follow @ryanjung94


Python , Tensorflow , PyTorch , Linux , OpenCV

Coding Activity